Beauty Essentials - Travel Edition

Traveling is a love/hate relationship. I love to travel to new places and explore new cultures but I hate packing. I have a ton of products that I feel I can't live without but my weight limit for my luggage is 50 pounds and I still have to pack clothes and shoes...oh the dilemma.Over the past couple of trips, I've been able to perfect my beauty routine and as a result, limit to just my must have beauty products. Here a few of my favorites:

Hair: Mixed Chicks Products

Processed with VSCO with t1 presetI have a TON of hair products. Being a natural hair influencer, I'm sent boxes all the time of things to try and review. This combination has been by far my favorite. It gives my curls definition and hold without weighing them down. I wish they had them in a travel size version but only the leave-in condition comes in a sample size.

Makeup: Tarte Concealer & Chapstick

Processed with VSCO with s3 presetVacation (especially to tropical locations), I keep my makeup routine to a minimum. I use this tarte concealer to cover any dark spots and circles and use a light powder to seal it all in. I carry a red lippie in case we go to a nice restaurant but for the most part, I just use the chapstick to keep my lips moisturized.

Body Moisturizer

Processed with VSCO with s3 presetI hate forgetting my lotion and having to rely on the hotel lotion to keep moisturized. My skin needs a thick lotion and this body butter is HEAVEN to me. It has Shea and Cocoa butter which keeps my skin soft and moisturized even after spending all day at the beach.

Witch Hazel

unnamed71.jpgI know you're probably asking...what's that? It's a miracle in a bottle that's what it is. I use this as a toner and it's amazing at clearing up acne and dark spots left behind. It also helps to shrink pores and remove any excess oil that your cleanser may leave behind. I was skeptical that a 4 dollar items could do all this....after using this for 3 months, I'm officially a believer...

Essential Oils

I hate to take pills for anything. I feel there's always a natural remedy for almost anything. I use Peppermint oil for head and stomach aches and Lemon (mix with water) for sunburns.

A few others:

Mascara & eye linerCleanser & Moisturizer (currently using products. Works well even if you aren't battle acne)Sunscreen (duh....)Hand SanitizerPerfume (to go fave - Calvin Klein Euphoria)Vitamins (gotta keep the body healthy - Folic Acid, Gingko Biloba, Biotin, & a Multivitamin gummie)Makeup Remover WipesProcessed with VSCO with t1 preset~Cocoa Curls


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