What I'm leaving behind in 2017

It's a new year! New goals, new ambition, and most of all the perfect time to shake off all that negative energy from last year and focus on this year. I don't know why we see the new year as a sign to start anew and makes changes but that's exactly what I'm doing. No more unattainable goals that are impossible to achieve. This year, I'm focusing on one goal and one goal only: to be unapologetically myself. I want to know what makes me happy, what puts me in a creative mindset, all the things that make me who I genuinely am. What I realized a few days in the new year are there are some things that I can't bring with me:

Self Doubt

I know it seems like a duh! moment but you wouldn't believe how much self doubt we put on ourselves. I work during the day, workout after work and then have to find time to do my dream job (blogging/vlogging). There are some times when I feel that my work isn't as good as it should be. Should I post this blog? Is this photo good enough? In doubting my work, I'm bringing doubt on everything that I do. Well no more! As long as I know I'm doing my best, that's all I care about.

Budget = Just Wing It

I had a budget in the past years but I didn't always follow it to the letter. This year, I've set some great financial goals for myself but in order to achieve those, I have to live by my budget regardless of what may be on sale or who wants to go to happy hour. I have to tell myself that even though I may miss this sale or that deal, my goals are bigger than those temporary gratifications.

Gym =  Not Consistent

I love the gym. I can easily spend 1 - 2 hours in the gym and not be phased by it. However there are times when I can go 2 - 3 weeks without stepping foot inside Planet Fitness. It seems like I have to be in the 'mood' to workout and if I'm not in the mood, not gonna happen. There's no goal to lose 20 pounds or to be the next powerlifter in the Southeast but I do want to be more consistent in my workout regime. My goal, 2-3 days a week!

Sweets Sweets and more Sweets

My sweet tooth is not normal I'm convinced. No single human being can crave candy the way that I do. There are times when I have it under control and then there are times where I do on binges, and that's not a good sight to see. 2018 will be the year I control my cravings. My mantra: I CONTROL MY CRAVINGS. MY CRAVINGS DON'T CONTROL ME! We'll see how long that lasts.


Everyone is a little impatient but I think I take the cake on this one. In Walmart with a shopping cart full of groceries, get to the checkout, see a line, leave cart and all groceries in the middle of the store. Exhibit #2. Spends 2 hours in Forever 21 picking out and trying on clothes, get to checkout counter, 15 customers + 2 cashiers = Me leaving all my items on the closest rack because I was NOT waiting in that long line to checkout. My family and friends know that my impatience is an all time high and what better time with work on it than now. I know that I won't be completely cured (lol) but I will actively try to make me a better me.What are some things you're leaving behind?
~Cocoa Curls

7 books on my 'To Read' list for 2018


10 Skin Care Commandments