13 Small Ways To Declutter To Your Living Space - KonMari Inspired


It's taken over! The KonMari method is inspiring millions of people to get rid of junk and clutter and anything else that 'doesn't spark joy'. The book has been a bestseller dozens times over and now the Netflix series has received hundreds of accolades from viewers inspired by the transformations - both external and internal.I would consider myself a very clean and organized person - never leave dishes in the sink overnight, all of my hangers are the same, and I 'purge' my house of useless items on a seasonal basis. However, I wouldn't consider my methods to be align when that of KonMari and think that's okay because I have the space to keep what I have and the organizational skills to keep those items in order. If you don't feel like taking 3-6 months to get your house in order to want to make small changes that could slowly snowball into an overall larger organizational space, here are some things you can start with:

If you don’t have time to sort through your junk drawer(s), dump the contents in a bag or small box, tape it up and write “clutter” on the box. If you don’t remember what’s inside in 30 days, toss it.

Go through your bathroom cabinets and toss anything that's past its expiration date.

Match food storage containers. Discard any mismatches

Give away one item each day until you're satisfied with your space

Get up right now (or as soon as you finish reading this!) and find 10 things to get rid. It can be things to donate or things that can be thrown out/recycled. Set a reminder in your calendar to do this daily/weekly.

Try the Oprah Winfrey Closet Hanger Experiment. To identify wardrobe pieces to clear out, hang all your clothes with the hangers in the reverse direction. After you wear an item, return it to the closet with the hanger facing the correct direction. After six months, you’ll have a clear picture of which clothes you can easily discard. 

Find the digital versions of your important owners manuals online, bookmark them all in one folder, then recycle the paper versions.

If you have piles of plastic grocery bags, keep only the ones that'll fit in an empty tissue box or grocery bag dispenser, and recycle the rest.

Make the beds every morning, or have everyone make their own bed if they are old enough. A neatly made bed instantly transforms a room and makes it look tidier and nicer.

Look for anything you have duplicates of. One of most things is usually enough. If you have more than one of the same thing, keep your favorite and get rid of the duplicate.

Do one room or one space at a time

Keep a donations box in every room. Put the box in the corner; when you come across an item you don’t use or need, toss it in the box; and, when it’s full, drop it off at a donations center

If you're serious about decluttering for good, learn about different systems to figure out what might work for you

No matter what you choose to help you get started the goal is to take your first. How you remove it is up to you.


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