My 2020 Travel Bucket List
2020 Travel Bucket ListI know we’re not out of 2019 yet and here I am with a travel bucket list for 2020. In all actuality, I didn’t get the travel bug until 2017 (my 30th bday year). I knew I wanted to travel and had a passion for experiencing cultures other than my own but was unaware of how affordable some places can be. Since 2017, I’ve made a goal for myself to travel internationally at least 3 times a year. That coupled with me wanting to visit new cities here in the US has made me a busy bee over the last 2 years. Here’s my roundup
Curacao, February
Havana Cuba, April
Fort Walton/Destin Beach, November (this is annual trip me and bae take before the Holiday’s kick off)
Puerto Vallarta, December
New Orleans, May
Rome Italy, September
Montego Bay Jamaica, December
Paris, December (for New Year’s)
Havana Cuba, April (I’m in love with this city)
Dubai, May
New York City, July
Barcelona Spain, September
Daytona Beach Florida, September
Chicago, October
San Juan Puerto Rico, October
For Walton/Destin Beach, November
Tulum Mexico, December
2019 was a busy travel year for me but I’m ready for 2020 to be my best one yet. My travel bucket list for 2020:
Antelope Canyon, Arizona
Walk the colorful streets of Mykonos Greece
Make a telephone call (or at least pretend to) from a phone booth in London, England
Happy Hour at San Antonio Riverwalk
Cozy Cabin Weekend in Gatlinburg, Tennessee
Costa, Rica
Spend Birthday in Bali, Indonesia
I'm spending this year trying to spend more time exploring the United States and Antelope Canyon is too magical to miss out. What about you? What are some of your travel goals for the first year of the new decade?