My Goal is to read 24 books this year. Here’s my list

Well, we made it. 2020 me would have never thought we would still be in the normal limbo 2 years later but I’m grateful to have my health and some resemblance of sanity.

2021 goal setting was extreme to say the least. I had just finished reading these ‘be a badass’ self-help books and had planned on taking over the world – or at least the South. In true fashion, life happened any most of my extreme goals were laughing at me as I took them down over a nice glass of red wine and look myself in the face while asking “why Alicia? Why did you set yourself up for disappointment?”

As I reflect on the great things I did in 2021, I realize that most of those goals accomplished were hard but feasible. I’m a book lover, always have been, hope to always be. My goal for 2021 was 75 books! Yes, this coming from someone who works in Corporate America, influencing on Instagram, YouTube, oh and let’s not forget… I HAVE AN ENTIRE ONLINE STORE! Any true friend would have slapped me in the face with that goal and because of that, I told no one of my goal. Want to know where I ended up? Even I don’t know but I can assure you it was less than half that goal.

So this year’s goal is a little more feasible. It forces me to set time aside almost daily to reading while also allowing me to wear all the other hats that go with my outfit 😊 My goal is 2 books a month – 24 books in total.

I don’t have a preference for genres other than my utter disdain for general self help books. If you’re telling me something in 300 pages that I can read in a quote on Pinterest, please save the pages and wasted shelf space at Barnes and Noble. After research and reading several ‘summary’ paragraphs, here’s the list of books I’ll be choosing from to read.

Let me know which one’s on your list


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