2 Face masks to add to your skincare routine


Over the past 2 years, I've been heavy into skin care. I want to make sure when I'm 50 or 60 that my skin is flawless. I realized that in order to do so, I have to start making those changes now. Some of the changes I've made are:

  • Making sure I take off my makeup and wash my face at night no matter how sleepy or tired I am
  • Applying a primer when I'm wearing liquid foundation. Unless your wearing a skin benefit foundation (bare minerals, Clinique even better skin, etc) a primer helps to provide a barrier between your face and the foundation
  • Getting a professional facial and microdermabrasion once every 3 months to make sure my face get the attention that my face wash isn't able to get
  • Drink at least 75-100 ounces of water a day (it works!)
  • Try to sleep on my back (google it! will help later in life when skin has a tendency to droop)
  • Applying a face/sheet mask every 2-3 day

I like using a sheet mask and face mask each week. Garnier has a few sheet masks that are great as well as the "Yes to" brand. As far as face masks, Kiehls and Peter Thomas Roth 24k Gold masks are my absolute favorites.

Kiehl's Tumeric & Cranberry Seed Energizing Radiance Masque - $39.00

mask 1This mask is one of the best masks at invigorating and brightening your skin tone. The main ingredient (turmeric) is known to treat skin imperfections and improve the brightness of your skin. The masks also contains crushed cranberry seeds that act as an exfoliate to thoroughly clean skin as your rinsing off the mask to leave your skin renewed and radiant. I love to pair this with Witch Hazel to help remove and diminish the look of dark spots.

Peter Thomas Roth 24k Gold Mask - $80.00

gold mask A bit on the pricey side but I got it for Christmas (yep! I put it on my list). One of the main benefits of this mask is to reduce fine lines and wrinkles to help give a youthful look. For me at 30, I don't have this problem but one of the main reason I use this mask is because of the pure 24k gold factor. 24k gold helps maintain collagen and inhibit the breakdown of elastin. This is more of a proactive masks for me...use it before you need so you won't need it later (hope that makes sense)What are some of your skin care routine? how are you taking care of your skin to make sure it stays rejuvenated for years to come?

~ Cocoa Curls



Self Care Sunday - PM Skin Routine


Series: Drugstore Faves || Jan 18