Traveling to Rome? Don’t Forget These Tips

Traveling overseas can be intimidating. This was my first time overseas and I pinned and read more blogs about Rome travels than one person should read. I over packed and over planned (it’s the OCD in me) and ended up doing half of what I had intended and wore 25% of what I packed. Here are some tips and tricks of what I learned by example.

Wear Comfortable Shoes

Rome is a beautiful place. We also went on a day trip to Tuscany and they have one thing in common: cobblestone roads. They are everywhere!! I brought so many cute shoes thinking I was going to have some great backdrops for photos and at the end of the first day, I had decided that those shoes were useless. Luckily, I brought some comfortable sandals my mother in law gave me and wore those whether they matched with my outfit or not (I didn’t carry the ‘cute’ shoes in a bag and switched out for photo purposes but that go annoying after the first couple of days).

Buy Tickets in Advance

We get so overwhelmed and stressed out about traveling and visiting an unknown country and wanting to do all the things Pinterest says we should do, that we get lost in the beauty that is traveling. It took me about a day to just realize I was visiting Rome. I was standing in a Colosseum that was thousands of years old. How awesome was that?
“Of all the books in the world, the best stories are found between the pages of a passport”

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