7 Small Ways to Relax When You’re Feeling Stressed

This year has already started off on a roller coaster for me. Though I was looking forward to 2021, I was blind to the fact that some 2020 problems will be ever present this year. One of the things I struggle with is trying to find the time to be a full-time Finance professional and a part-time (but feels like full-time) Content Creator.

There are days when I think I really have it together – I have ‘to do’ lists for both of my careers and am pushing thru getting things done. However, there are also bad days when I’ve crossed nothing off my lists but felt like I’ve been running on full speed all day. It’s in those moments when I stress myself out and question my ability to anything correctly.

After talking with my therapist, I realize that I need to give myself grace for those days. Though it may not seem like a lot to me at times, I’m carrying a lot of hats and at times it can get too stressful to deal with. It’s in those moments that I reach for this list – small ways/gestures I practice relaxing when I’m feeling stressed. Feel free to take one (or all of them).


Long Hot Bubble Bath

Go all out! Light some candles, grab a bath bomb, put on a great playlist, and make plenty of bubbles. If you’re like me, grab a nice glass of vino and just relax. Even if you can’t completely calm you’re mind, allowing it to wonder under the bubbles and music make it seem less stressful

Read A Book

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You guys know of my massive book goal for this year (75 books to be exact). I have a book for almost every genre. When I’m stressed, I also pull a great Rom-Com book to take my mind off the day. Here’s a few of my faves

Watch a Comedy

They say laughter is the best medicine. Nothing gets my stomach rolling like some stand up comedy. My favorite comedian is Chris Rock (this isn’t up for debate) but find your favorite and get ready to get a mini ab workout

Schedule a Massage/Facial

I know that some of us can’t afford a professional massage/facial session. However, if you have Groupon available in your area, try them first. There are dozens of local places that could have deals on these services. I’ve been able to secure both a massage and facial session less than $100.

Coffee (or Tea) of your choice


I’m not a patient person. It’s something I realized a long time ago and to be honest, I don’t want to change! I could have a cart full of groceries and refuse to wait more than 3 mins before checking out (thank Heaven for Instacart and Walmart pickup). There is one (okay maybe 2) places that I will wait – Starbucks and Chik fil A. Nothing makes me happier than ordering my favorite coffee drink after a long day and slowly sipping on the way home.


I use to journal via writing for years. I still find myself writing my thoughts, but I’ve also started video journaling. It’s hard to understand your logic or actual feelings when reading your thoughts 3-5 years ago. To have an actual video where you’re expressing your thoughts and frustrations makes it seem more real. Something my therapist suggested that I’ve been doing for the past 6 months – life changer.


I was never that person that could sit still in the silence for so long. My mind would start to wonder to my never ending ‘to do’ list and before I realize it, I was up trying to tackle that list instead of sitting and calm my mind. I’ve recently started using Headspace (it came with my WW membership) and am loving it so far. The sessions are short (3-10 mins) and they allow your mind to wonder during the sessions. I have a feeling I will continue the membership once I’m no longer on my WW program.


Well, that’s it! I hope one or several of these methods can help you relax when you need a moment!


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