My Book List – February 2021
I set a big reading goal for myself in 2021. 75 books! I know that’s a lot, but I also wanted to dive more into poetry and know those are a little easier and quicker to read than novels.
75 books in 12 months equates to about 6 books a month. To be honest I didn’t come close to that number last year and my goal was only 40 but 2020 rocked us in more ways than 1. Now that I have adapted to some sense of normalcy, I’m hoping to get back into a routine where I picked up a book instead of a remote control.
Am I betting all the money in my account that I hit my target number? Uh…momma ain’t raise no fool but even if I get remotely close to that number, I’m a happy camper. Without anymore rambling, here’s my book list/goals for February.
This was on several book lists of books to read in 2021 and the summary had me intrigued. However, after being a few chapters in, I’m so confused and minorly disturbed but I hate to start and book and not finish it so I’m taking it one chapter at a time.
This is our book club selection for February. We normally read newer/current books but in honor of Eric Jerome Dickey, we wanted to go with one of his great reads. I massive difference compared to Freshwater and a breath of fresh air when I’m done working for the day
Why are YA books so interested? I picked this read up at a local woman owned bookstore last Saturday and have been obsessed with in since. The cream on top? I got a signed copy (*does happy dance)
After watching ‘A Night in Miami, I’ve been interested in learning more about Malcom X. I read this book over a decade ago during my African American studies class but feel I needed a refresher course. Black History Month makes it even better a time to brush up on my knowledge of one of my favorite civil rights leaders.
I’ve been on a mission to read every Toni Morrison book. This was next on my list
Such Small Hands
I realized to accomplish my goal of 6 books, I needed to include some smaller page counts items. I didn’t want to compromise on the quality of the books, so I turned to to give some great selections. This was on that list and at only 94 pages, I’ll breeze thru this while on the way to the beach this month.
What’s you’re book goal? Is it more realistic or outlandish like mine? Have any suggestions? Leave them in the comment section for me!